Should I Cover My Bearded Dragons Tank at Night? [Answered]


Ah, the eternal question – should I cover my bearded dragon’s tank at night? If you’ve ever found yourself asking this, you’re in good company.

Caring for our scaley friends can sometimes feel like a bit of a mystery, but don’t worry; we’ve got your back.

In this blog post, we’re going to take a deep dive into the world of bearded dragons and their nighttime needs.

We’ll explore their natural habitats, sleep habits, and how all of these factors tie into the big question: to cover or not to cover their tank when the sun goes down.

What’s a Bearded Dragon Anyway?

So, what’s this creature that’s got you reading up on tank covers and night lights? The bearded dragon, or beardie as they’re affectionately known, is a type of lizard native to Australia’s hot, arid regions.

In the wild, they spend their days basking in the sun and their nights tucked away in the relative coolness of burrows.

What makes these critters so endearing? Aside from their striking looks (those spiky “beards” really make them stand out in the reptile crowd), beardies are known for their relatively calm disposition and their penchant for interaction with humans.

Yes, you heard right, these scaly fellas can form bonds with us humans! Many beardie parents will tell stories of their pets watching TV with them or enjoying a cuddle on the couch.

Bearded Dragons and Their Sleep Habits

Unlike their human pals, bearded dragons are diurnal creatures. This means they’re active during the day and sleep at night, much like us.

When it’s lights out, these critters prefer to retreat to a dark, secluded spot, just like they would in the wild.

A beardie’s sleep is crucial for their overall health and well-being. It’s when they recharge their batteries and get ready for another day of basking and exploring.

So when nighttime rolls around, you might find yourself wondering, What light should be on at night for a bearded dragon? The simple answer is none. Darkness is a beardie’s best friend when it’s time to catch some Z’s.

Natural Habitat of Bearded Dragons: A Quick Dive

When it comes to understanding our beardie buddies, it’s crucial to get a grip on their natural habitat. You see, these critters hail from Australia’s hot, dry deserts and scrublands.

They’re used to extreme heat during the day, cool temperatures at night, and very low humidity.

During the scorching daytime hours, bearded dragons bask under the sun, absorbing all that warmth into their cold-blooded bodies. But when the sun dips below the horizon and the desert chill sets in, they retreat into burrows or rock crevices.

These hideaways provide safety from predators and act as natural insulators, helping our beardie friends maintain a comfortable temperature throughout the night.

So, what’s the takeaway here? When creating a comfortable environment for your bearded dragon, try to mimic their natural habitat as much as possible.

This includes temperature control, which means keeping your bearded dragon tank warm at night without overheating them.

The big question still remains: should their tank be covered at night, just like their burrow would be in the wild? Well, let’s dive into the pros and cons next, shall we?


When it comes to covering your bearded dragon’s tank at night, there are a few potential benefits to consider. Let’s break them down:

Temperature Control

In the wild, bearded dragons use burrows to keep warm during chilly desert nights. A cover could serve a similar purpose, helping to keep some of the daytime heat in the tank. But remember

Humidity Balance

Now, while bearded dragons hail from arid regions, they do still need some humidity in their environment. Without it, they can struggle to shed properly, leading to uncomfortable and harmful conditions.

Covering their tank at night can help maintain a decent level of humidity, just like their natural burrows would do.

But keep in mind; you don’t want to turn your beardie’s tank into a tropical rainforest! Too much humidity can also be harmful, leading to respiratory issues or fungal infections. So, it’s all about finding the right balance.

Security and Comfort

Just like us humans, bearded dragons need a sense of security and comfort to get a good night’s sleep. In the wild, their burrows and rock crevices offer a safe, secluded spot to rest.

Covering their tank at night may help recreate that sense of safety, providing a cozy and secure environment for your scaly friend to catch some Z’s.

But before you reach for that cover, it’s important to remember that not all bearded dragons are the same. Some may appreciate the extra security, while others might be perfectly content without it.

It’s all about knowing your beardie’s preferences and needs.

Now that we’ve looked at the potential benefits, it’s time to flip the coin and explore the potential downsides of covering your bearded dragon’s tank at night. Grab your flashlights, folks, because we’re about to shine a light on some pitfalls to avoid.


Just like there are benefits to covering your bearded dragon’s tank, there are also some potential downsides to be aware of. Let’s dive in:

Overheating Risks

We’ve talked about how a cover can help keep your beardie’s tank warm at night, but there’s a flip side to that coin. If your home is already pretty toasty, adding a cover might tip the scales toward too hot.

Remember, bearded dragons need a cool-down period at night. Overheating can lead to serious health issues, so keeping a close eye on the tank’s temperature is essential.

Potential for Stress

While some bearded dragons might appreciate the added security of a covered tank, others might find it stressful. If your beardie is used to being able to see out of their tank, suddenly blocking their view might cause them some anxiety.

As always, it’s all about knowing your individual pet’s preferences.

Limited Airflow

Last but not least, covering your beardie’s tank could potentially limit airflow. Bearded dragons need fresh air to breathe, and a cover could restrict that, especially if it’s a solid type.

If you decide to cover your tank, use a breathable material to allow for adequate airflow.

Best Practices for Covering Your Bearded Dragon’s Tank

If you’ve decided that covering your beardie’s tank at night is the way to go, here are some handy tips to keep in mind:

Choose a Breathable Cover

As we discussed earlier, keeping the air flowing in your bearded dragon’s tank is essential. So, if you’re going to use a cover, make sure it’s breathable. Think along the lines of a mesh or perforated cover that allows air to circulate.

Monitor the Temperature

Remember, temperature control is crucial for your bearded dragon’s health. So, even with a cover, make sure you’re keeping an eye on the tank’s temperature. If it gets too hot, your beardie could be at risk of overheating.

Keep an Eye on Your Beardie

Lastly, always pay attention to your beardie’s behavior. Are they showing signs of stress or discomfort? Are they trying to escape their tank?

These could be signs that the cover isn’t working for them. Remember, each bearded dragon is unique, and what works for one might not work for another.


After delving into the world of bearded dragons, their natural habitats, sleep habits, and the pros and cons of tank covers, it’s time to answer the burning question: should I cover my bearded dragon’s tank at night?

The answer is, it depends. It depends on your home’s temperature, the tank’s location, and most importantly, your beardie’s individual needs and preferences.

If your home is on the cooler side, a breathable cover might help to retain some warmth. If your tank is in a high-traffic area where lights or activity might disturb your beardie’s sleep, a cover might provide some much-needed darkness and quiet.

However, keeping a close eye on your bearded dragon’s behavior and the tank’s temperature and humidity is important. Any sudden changes could indicate that the cover is causing more harm than good.

In the end, knowing your bearded dragon, understanding its needs, and being willing to adapt are the most important factors in ensuring its happiness and health. After all, they’re not just pets – they’re part of the family!

And remember, the journey doesn’t stop here. There’s always more to learn about your scaly buddy, from understanding signs your bearded dragon is unhappy to learning how to give your bearded dragon water.

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