Do Bearded Dragons Have Ears? [A Comprehensive Guide]


Bearded dragons, or “beardies,” as we like to call them in the pet world, are beloved reptilian pets, known for their docile nature and expressive behaviors.

But their hearing abilities? That’s a topic that might leave you scratching your head. And that’s exactly what we’re here to unravel today.

Whether you’re new to the world of beardies or an experienced dragon whisperer, learning about their unique auditory system can help you understand your pet better and ensure they live a happier, healthier life.

So, buckle up, folks! We’re about to dive into a fascinating voyage through the invisible ears of bearded dragons.

Fun Fact #1: Did you know that bearded dragons are named after the spiky, beard-like scales around their necks? They puff up and darken this "beard" when they feel threatened or excited. Now, if only we could know if they can hear our reactions to their adorable antics!

Do Bearded Dragons Have Ears?

So, you might be staring at your bearded dragon and wondering, “Where in the world are its ears?” Well, drumroll, please… because the answer is yes!

Bearded dragons do have ears. But before you search for tiny earlobes or ear canals, let me stop you. Their ears aren’t like ours at all, and that’s what makes them so fascinating.

You see, bearded dragons have a kind of stealth-mode hearing system, one that’s hidden in plain sight. Instead of traditional ears like we have, they sport tiny holes on the sides of their heads. And it’s these holes that serve as their ears.

Fun Fact #2: While we humans have ears that stick out, making us hear better from all directions, bearded dragons' ears are designed to pick up sounds from the front. That's why they might seem super focused when they're watching TV with you!

The Unique Auditory System of Bearded Dragons

Remember those holes we talked about? Yeah, those are the bearded dragons’ ears. Unlike ours, they don’t have a protective flap or “pinna” that sticks out.

Instead, they’re equipped with these inconspicuous little holes on either side of their head. Now you might be wondering why bearded dragons have holes for ears.

Well, this stealthy design is all about survival in the wild. Keeping the ears flush with the head helps reduce the chances of injury and makes them less noticeable to predators. Pretty clever, huh?

Don’t let their tiny, hole-like ears fool you. Inside, a whole world of complex structures is working together to pick up sounds. Just like us, bearded dragons have an eardrum, or tympanic membrane, that vibrates when sound waves hit it.

This vibration then travels to the inner ear, where it’s converted into electrical signals that the brain can understand as sound.

How Well Do Bearded Dragons Hear?

So, now we know that bearded dragons do have ears, but how good is their hearing? Can they listen to your favorite tunes or hear you when you call their name?

Well, bearded dragons can indeed pick up a range of sounds, but their hearing is not as sensitive as ours. They hear best at frequencies between 600-800 Hz, which is slightly lower than the human voice range.

So, if you’ve ever wondered, can bearded dragons hear you? The answer is – yes, they probably can, but not as clearly as another human would.

While they might not enjoy your latest Spotify playlist as much as you do, their hearing plays a crucial role in detecting predators, communicating with other dragons, and navigating their environment.

Protecting Your Bearded Dragon’s Hearing

Since their ears are wide open to the world, bearded dragons can be quite sensitive to loud noises. Prolonged exposure to high volumes may stress them out and potentially harm their hearing.

So, as a beardie parent, it’s essential to ensure their living environment is peaceful and not overly noisy.

Avoid placing their habitat near loudspeakers, televisions, or high-traffic areas. If you’ve got a particularly rowdy household (I’m looking at you, folks with kids or other noisy pets), consider investing in a quiet room or space for your bearded dragon.

And remember, while they can hear you, shouting or speaking loudly near them might be more jarring than you’d think. So, when chatting with your little scaley buddy, try to keep your voice calm and soothing.


So, there we have it! Bearded dragons do indeed have ears, just not in the way you might’ve expected. Their unique auditory system is a testament to their adaptability and survival instincts.

Understanding how they hear can help us foster a better relationship with these fascinating creatures and ensure their well-being.

Remember, while they may not enjoy a rock concert or respond to their name like Fido, their hearing plays an essential role in their lives.

By respecting their hearing abilities and providing a calm, quiet environment, you can make your home a happy place for your scaly friend.

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