What Do Bearded Dragons Like in Their Tank? [Essentials]


So, you’ve got yourself a bearded dragon, huh? These little guys aren’t your typical pet. They’re as unique as they come, with their spiky “beards” and that laid-back lizard demeanor.

But here’s the million-dollar question: what do bearded dragons like in their tank?

Creating the perfect habitat for your bearded dragon isn’t just about aesthetics. It’s about replicating their natural environment to keep them comfortable and happy.

After all, they appreciate a cozy and stimulating home just like us.

It’s a bit like setting up a dollhouse, but we’re dealing with a dragon instead of dolls. A bearded dragon, to be precise. And instead of a house, we’ve got a tank. But don’t worry; it’s not as daunting as it might sound.

Fun Fact #1: Bearded dragons are native to the arid, rocky environments of the Australian outback. That's why they love a tank setup that mimics this natural habitat.

The Ideal Bearded Dragon Tank: A Peek Inside

Now, what makes the perfect home for a bearded dragon? Well, imagine you were moving into a new apartment.

You’d want enough space to move around. And some furniture to make it comfy and homey? Same deal for your beardie.

An ideal tank for an adult bearded dragon should be a minimum of 75 gallons, but bigger is always better. Think of it as their own personal studio apartment. And like any good apartment, it should have a few key furnishings.

These include a nice, warm basking spot, some hideouts for privacy, and climbing branches or rocks for a bit of lizard-style exercise. We’ll delve into these more in the next section.

And here’s a heads-up: if you’re wondering if your bearded dragon might be getting bored in their tank, adding these elements can certainly help keep things interesting.

Fun Fact #2: Did you know that bearded dragons can recognize themselves in a mirror? They're one of the few animals with this ability!

The Perfect Playground: Essential Tank Decorations

Think about how you’d feel cooped up in a room with nothing but four walls and a floor. Sounds pretty dull, huh?

That’s exactly how your bearded dragon would feel in an empty tank. But don’t fret! Here’s how to create a mini playground for your beardie.

Basking Spot

Bearded dragons are sun worshippers. They love lounging under the sun, soaking up the warmth. That means providing a basking spot with a heat lamp in your tank.

This can be a smooth, flat rock or a special reptile basking platform. Just make sure it’s secure and won’t tip over.


Even the most outgoing bearded dragon needs a little alone time now and then. A hideout gives your beardie a cozy, secluded spot to chill out and escape the “limelight.”

This could be a hollow log, a cave, or even a specially designed reptile hide.

Climbing Branches and Rocks

Remember, bearded dragons come from rocky, rugged terrain. They’re natural climbers, so adding branches and rocks to their tank gives them a chance to indulge in their inner mountaineer.

Plus, it’s a great way for them to get some exercise.

So, there you have it: the basics of how to make your bearded dragon tank more fun. It’s all about creating an environment that keeps them entertained and engaged.

But what if your bearded dragon seems stressed? Check out our guide on how to tell if your bearded dragon is stressed to make sure they’re always feeling their best.

Creating a Bearded Dragon Paradise: The Perfect Substrate

The substrate is like the carpet in your home. It covers the floor of the tank and gives your bearded dragon something to walk and lie on.

But what do bearded dragons like in their aquarium when it comes to the substrate?

Well, this is a hot topic among bearded dragon enthusiasts. Some swear by reptile carpets or tiles, which are easy to clean and pose no risk of ingestion. Others prefer a more natural look with a sand or soil mix.

However, avoiding small, loose particles is crucial, especially with younger dragons. They can accidentally eat it while hunting for food, which can lead to impaction—a serious health issue.

So, if you’re looking for a natural look, consider a fine, digestible sand or a soil mix designed for bearded dragons. And always keep an eye on your dragon while they’re eating to ensure they don’t ingest any substrate.

And hey, did you know that bearded dragons can hear? They don’t have visible outer ears like us but can still pick up sounds and know their name. If you’re curious, here’s more on how bearded dragons hear.

Temperature and Lighting: The Keys to a Happy Beardie

Imagine trying to get comfortable in a room that’s either too hot or too cold, with no way to adjust the thermostat.

It doesn’t sound like fun. That’s why temperature and lighting are crucial in your bearded dragon’s tank.

The Heat Gradient

Bearded dragons are cold-blooded, which means they regulate their body temperature using their environment. That’s where the concept of a heat gradient comes in.

One side of your tank should be warm (the “basking” side), with temperatures around 95-105°F for adults and a bit warmer for babies.

The other side should be cooler, around 80-85°F, providing a place for your beardie to cool down if they get too hot.

UV Lighting

Just like us, bearded dragons need their daily dose of vitamin D., But instead of a multivitamin, they get it from UVB light, which helps them process calcium and keep their bones healthy. So, a quality UVB lamp is a must-have in your tank.

Remember to switch off the UVB light at night. Bearded dragons need a day-night cycle, just like we do. And speaking of nighttime, the temperature can drop a bit, but it should never go below 65°F.

Hydration Station: Water in a Bearded Dragon’s Tank

Now you might be thinking, “Bearded dragons come from the desert, so they don’t need much water, right?” Well, not quite! Even though they’re used to arid environments, bearded dragons still need water to stay healthy.

Having a shallow water dish in the tank is a great idea. But remember, it needs to be shallow. We don’t want our beardie going for an unplanned swim! They should be able to get in and out of it easily.

Besides drinking from their water dish, beardies also absorb water through their skin.

So, a quick bath or gentle misting once or twice a week can do wonders for their hydration. Just remember to use lukewarm water, not cold!

And if you’re wondering, “Just how often do bearded dragons drink water?” that varies from dragon to dragon.

Some might sip from their water dish daily, while others might prefer getting their hydration from baths or dewy veggies. The key is always to make fresh water available.

Did you know bearded dragons can inflate their beards when feeling threatened or trying to impress a potential mate? It’s quite a sight to see!

Cleanliness Is Key: Tank Maintenance

Now we’re at the part that might not be the most fun, but trust me, it’s super important: cleaning.

Keeping your bearded dragon’s tank clean is crucial to their care. It’s like doing the dishes or taking out the trash – not exactly a blast, but necessary for a healthy, comfortable home.

Remove any uneaten food, feces, or shed skin daily. These can become breeding grounds for bacteria if left unattended. Yuck!

Every week, clean the water dish and any other dishes you’re using for food. Use a reptile-safe disinfectant or a mixture of vinegar and water to kill off any lingering bacteria.

About once a month, you’ll want to do a deep clean. This means taking everything out of the tank – decorations, substrate, the works – and thoroughly cleaning it. Don’t forget to disinfect the tank itself!

Remember, a clean tank is a happy tank; a happy tank means a happy bearded dragon.

Ever noticed your bearded dragon curled up in the corner of their tank? Don’t worry; it’s usually just their quirky way of getting comfortable.


By now, you should have a pretty solid idea of what bearded dragons like in their tank. But hey, it’s a learning process, and questions always pop up. So, let’s tackle some common ones.

Can I put two bearded dragons in the same tank?

This is a tricky one. While it’s not impossible, it’s generally not recommended. Bearded dragons can be territorial, and housing them together can lead to stress and even fights.

If you’re curious to learn more, check out our post on keeping baby bearded dragons together.

How often should I change the substrate?

Depends on the type of substrate. If you’re using a loose substrate like sand, you’ll want to change it completely about once a month and spot clean daily.

For non-particle substrates like tiles or carpets, you can clean them weekly or as needed.

Can I use plants as decorations?

Absolutely! Not only do plants add a touch of green to your tank, but they also provide additional hiding spots for your beardie. Just make sure they’re non-toxic and safe for bearded dragons.


We’ve journeyed through the exciting world of bearded dragon habitats, from the basics of tank size to the nitty-gritty of cleaning.

Remember, every bearded dragon is unique, so what works for one might not work for another. The key is to observe, adjust, and, most importantly, enjoy the journey.

After all, nothing beats the reward of seeing your beardie thriving in their tank, happy as a clam… or, well, a dragon!

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